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The main list of tests available:

  1. Cetane number according to GOST (Russian State Standards) 58440
  2. Cetane index
  3. Lubricity
  4. RON (research octane number, knock resistance of gasoline by research method)
  5. OMN (octane number, detonation resistance of gasoline by motor method)
  6. Fractional composition
  7. Resins (in gasoline, actual, washed)
  8. Sulfur, mass fraction
  9. MFT (maximum filterability temperature)
  10. The pour point
  11. Cloud point (CP)
  12. Sedimentation resistance
  13. Density of petroleum products
  14. Kinematic viscosity
  15. Flash point in a closed cup
  16. Flash points in an open cup
  17. Water, mass fraction according to Karl Fischer (EN ISO 12937:2000)
  18. Water, mass fraction according to GOST (Russian State Standards) 2177
  19. Saturated vapor pressures
  20. Metals in oil and oil products (iron, manganese, nickel, vanadium, zinc)
  21. Hydrocarbon composition of gasoline according to GOST(Russian State Standards) 32507
  22. Benzene
  23. MMA in gasolines (volume fraction of monomethylaniline)
  24. Qualitative analysis of an unknown substance
  25. (by gas chromatography, gas chromatography-mass spectrometry)
  26. Detailed hydrocarbon analysis by gas chromatography (quantitative analysis)
  27. Study of the sample by IR spectrometry
  28. Iodine number in light PPs (petroleum products)
  29. Iodine number and content of unsaturated s.v. in light PPs

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