The main list of tests available:
- Cetane number according to GOST (Russian State Standards) 58440
- Cetane index
- Lubricity
- RON (research octane number, knock resistance of gasoline by research method)
- OMN (octane number, detonation resistance of gasoline by motor method)
- Fractional composition
- Resins (in gasoline, actual, washed)
- Sulfur, mass fraction
- MFT (maximum filterability temperature)
- The pour point
- Cloud point (CP)
- Sedimentation resistance
- Density of petroleum products
- Kinematic viscosity
- Flash point in a closed cup
- Flash points in an open cup
- Water, mass fraction according to Karl Fischer (EN ISO 12937:2000)
- Water, mass fraction according to GOST (Russian State Standards) 2177
- Saturated vapor pressures
- Metals in oil and oil products (iron, manganese, nickel, vanadium, zinc)
- Hydrocarbon composition of gasoline according to GOST(Russian State Standards) 32507
- Benzene
- MMA in gasolines (volume fraction of monomethylaniline)
- Qualitative analysis of an unknown substance
- (by gas chromatography, gas chromatography-mass spectrometry)
- Detailed hydrocarbon analysis by gas chromatography (quantitative analysis)
- Study of the sample by IR spectrometry
- Iodine number in light PPs (petroleum products)
- Iodine number and content of unsaturated s.v. in light PPs
You can find a full list of services on the website
For detailed information please visit the website