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Why does high iron content in gasoline damage the engine?

High iron content in gasoline inevitably leads to various engine problems. This item may present in fuel as a result of the use of iron-containing additives.

By accumulating on the surfaces of parts such as pistons, valves, rings and cylinders, iron causes wear and damage, increased fuel consumption, and in some cases, engine failure.

Excess iron in gasoline can also cause a conductive deposit to form on the spark plugs, making it difficult to starting the engine and leads to its malfunction.

In addition, the presence of iron in fuel can influence the amount of harmful emissions such as nitrogen oxides and carbon oxides, which leads to environmental pollution.

Conclusion: high content of iron-containing additives (as well as additives containing lead and manganese compounds) in gasoline not only negatively affects engine performance, but also has a negative impact on environment. Therefore, it is important to use only high-quality gasoline to ensure long and reliable operation. engine.

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